A Chat With: Nathan Dufresne
1: How would you describe your sound?
I've definitely got an alternative rock sound. It's one of my favourite genres of music and it shows when I write. As I've gone on with my newer songs I've definitely adapted more of a singer songwriter sound while keeping my alternative rock roots.
2. Who are your influences?
God there's so many. As far as music goes, definitely Weezer. Cosplay, Our Lady Peace, and Green day as well. Lyrically however, I take inspiration from John Mayer, and Ed Sheeran. The way they write songs and structure them are inspiring.
3. What's on the horizon for 2019 musically?
I'm going on tour! I've gotten an opportunity through a charitable organisation through Live Different (Their Insta handle is @livediff) and I'll be going either to eastern, or western Canada to promote Hey Ryan. Once I get back, I'll hopefully be releasing another single for the end of 2019 or the beginning of 2020. We'll see how things go.
4. What is your creative process?
Oh jeez, I'm really picky when it comes to music. To put it in perspective, I wrote Hey Ryan almost 4 years ago now, and didn't get it properly recorded until October 2018.I believe in the power of people, I've had so many people work on this song with me, and that have all put their ideas into this that it's hard to say it's my process. The key, for me at least, is to write the song, and then I've got to find the people who have the same kind of passion for not just music, but for mine as well. I've found a on absolutely talented team, and they've made the process all the better with their work.
5. Where do you draw inspiration from?
My feelings. I have a lot of difficulty writing about my past or about things that happen on a day to day basis. I'm trying to work more by in cooperating my feelings into it somehow. I'll let you know when I've figured it out. As for now, it's mostly about people. It can range anywhere from telling someone how I feel about them, to telling them that they're better than what the believe they are, and my music is how I show them that.
6. How do you deal with nerves before a show?
1 giant glass of water, and 3 deep breaths. It's cheesy I know, but it works. It calms you down in all sorts of situations, not just when you're going on stage. Don't get me wrong. I've had shows where the nerves are to crazy to just get rid of, but the trick always works, even if it settles them down for a brief period of time.
7. What's your favourite venue in Ottawa?
Definitely Dekcuf. I haven't gotten to play any shows there yet, but the venue is great. It's small, but there's something about it that creates an intimate space between the artist performing and the audience. Everyone connects with each other.
8. Craziest thing that you've seen at a show?
My first concert ever was Roger Waters The Wall. It's a pretty high standard for most shows to live up too just hearing the name, but at one point there was so much going on you just had to settle on one thing and just let the music take you. There were giant balloons of a teacher, and the image of Roger Waters Ex wife, a flying pig, fireworks. You name it. I mean it's Pink Floyd
9. If you could tour or play a show with any act who would it be?
I mean I feel like it's cliche cause everyone always responds with someone whose well known either locally or global. It's understandable, who wouldn't? At the same time though, this past year I've met, and made friends with so many talented musicians that I'd probably have to go with them. Almyr Jules, Enrosa, Justin Perron, just to name a few.
10. Advice for new musicians or acts?
Advice? Don't forget who you are. Things are going to get difficult. Life is going to throw you off course. You'll spend days questioning why you chose to do this, You'll spend days questioning yourself. But your heart knows the answer to everything. You've got to remember why you started it, and you've gotta see it through.
11. Are there any shout outs you'd like to make?
Oh dude, so many. Mom! Dave! I love you two. Dad. Things have always been up and down for us. Kinda like a struggle for power. But you've got Pam, and Finn, and Kiki now, and I know you'll see that through. I love all of you. It doesn't matter what happens, you're always on my mind. My brother, Andrew, for being a strange, yet solid rock. My Cousin Ryan, who the song is about. You're capable of great things man, you've just gotta get up and fight the bad days. My Aunts and Uncles.All your advice has been appreciated and you call cross my mind at some point or another. Everyone who has helped make this new single happen. Luke Zuwala for the walkdown, James Van Hagen for the build up. Justin Perron, for the guitar used, his living room, and recording the bad boy, Mike Poisson, for mixing the track, providing an amazing opportunity, and believing in my music. Christian Vezina for recording the music video, Andrew Lessard, for the amazing photos that have been taken. Almyr Jules, for putting in his time and effort to assist with the album cover. Surraya Aziz, Daniel Rosales, Neha Sin, Jordan Verities, Kevin Thompson, Kevin Godin, and so many others for so much moral support. I love you all
Social Media Links:
Instagram: @nathan.dufresne
Facebook: facebook.com/ndufresn
Twitter: @ndufresne
Youtube: Nathan Dufresne
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