2018 In Review

Hey readers,

It has been a long time since I posted on here. I've been so busy the last few months that the Blogger page took a back seat. We here at The Ottawa Sound have been working on a bunch of new media for you but due to our busy schedules and lack of funds we have had to hold off on them. But we would like to present our faithful readers with a special 2018 In Review article.

This year has been the biggest year of my life when it comes to music and journalism. I have had the opportunity to interview many bands, made new friends, made new music and started a record label. The local scene has been very supportive of The Ottawa Sound and we appreciate each and every one of you that has been to a show, read an article or watched a video.

Our main goal moving forward is to post at least one article weekly. That doesn't seem like much but when you're working, in 3 bands, working on a record label, writing blog posts, running 2 YouTube channels and working on a solo music project, you don't have a lot of time to do research and work on a new article every day. Our secondary goal for 2019 is to grow the audience to a consistent 100 people. I want at least 100 reads on each article.

Our favourite moments of 2018 

2018 has been a wild year. Like I said above it has been the biggest year for music related stuff in my life. It all started in January when my band Rebel Reload brought in a new drummer. Pat has helped us so much in the year and we recorded our first demo which grew our fan base and which brought new opportunities for shows. We were featured on an American podcast called The Sound Off With Branden and Lou.

I have interviewed bands I never thought I would. From my pals in Aestrid (2 times this year) all the way to Scenic Route to Alaska. Not to mention the champs in Skybound (that interview got corrupted and unfortunately will never see the light of day but it was a lot of fun and I'm sorry about that Tiago, Max, Jamison and Noah).

I got to take a road trip to Toronto with 2 of my best friends to see my favourite band ever play.

I also booked some amazing shows this year, we started the new annual music awards, TOSMA, which blew up our Facebook page. Shout out to the winners from the 2017 awards (which took place in 2018). This year the awards voting has just exploded and we have over 2000 people taking part which is just insane to me. This all started as a small hobby to fill my time and help local artists and now it has become a massive part of the scene so THANK YOU.

I started Ottawa Sound Records as a way to help local artists get their music onto Spotify, iTunes and many other stores, which has been a fun experience with lots of learning still being done.

I started a new band recently which is called Dear Tragedy and we have had some fun times in our month and a bit of existence. 

My favourite moment of 2018 though was the fact that this blog has helped build a community and helped me meet some really cool people. Thank you to everyone who reads the blog, we are going to be bigger and better in 2019.


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