New Year Message!

I realize that this is a couple of weeks late but I'd like to say something anyway.

We are so grateful for all the support and love you have given us in our first year of business! The business has expanded faster than I ever anticipated and we can't think of the words to describe how much we appreciate your love and support.

2017 was a rollercoaster year for the whole world and we hope that our content helped put some normality and joy in your life. We know that our posts have been inconsistent and we are working to better ourselves. You can expect higher quality articles and YouTube videos in 2018 and we are opening a web gallery for you to see the videos, pictures and art that we have created!

We would like to say a massive thank you to Oakeh, our Patron Of The Year!

Also starting in 2018, all Patreon Patron's will get 50% off their tickets at any concerts we are promoting (some exclusions may apply i.e a band's contract forbidding it)

We've interviewed some great bands and been to some amazing concerts. We've seen drama tear the scene apart  and we've seen the community come together in times of crisis (big up those supporting 457 The Edge!)

Thanks to Noi Ya, Castlefield, Lees Avenue, Bearings, and Nighttime In Kansas for the interviews, albums to review and being super awesome musicians!

Thanks for a dope ass 2017 and here's to an even doper ass 2018!

Kyle <3

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