Stage fright affects everyone at some point, anyone who says otherwise is either lying or a very rare exception to the rule. Most performers don't ever get rid of the stage fright they just become good at hiding it. For example I myself don't really get nervous until there's about 20 people in the crowd. Smaller crowds are my best-friend, however when I do play in front of a large crowd I find it useful to just take a second and breathe. I also think about how that situation is what I want to spend my life doing, it's how I want to make my living. The other thing I've learned is practice makes perfect. I took a program at Algonquin College called Introduction to Music Industry Arts and in the second semester we had a class all about performing. The professor for that class, Dick Cooper (of the Cooper Brothers), told us that the best way to get over your stage fright is to make sure that you have your part memorized and not just memorized but perfected. It should be muscle memory before you get on stage if you play an instrument and if you're singing you should be able to start the song from any section and carry on all the way to the end without hesitating. If you second guess yourself you will make mistakes,so all in all CONFIDENCE IS KEY. 

I talked to local artist Noi Ya about his secrets and tips on how to get over the pre-show jitters:
  1. I wake up everyday and make a list(stay with me here) outlining everything i need to do before i can sleep feeling accomplished. when I'm playing a live gig i usually try to fill this list up with motivational speeches, it doesn't really matter who, i usually just try and listen to a new one everyday.
  2.  I talk to myself. I think most people would benefit from learning how to talk to yourself with self-respect. tell yourself why you deserve things and not *that* you deserve things, Give it some basis y'know
  3.  If I'm really nervous I take a few seconds in the back of the venue to be alone. I usually re-listen to my songs to keep the timing and lyrics extra extra fresh in my mind.
  4. This is the last and the best one. I call my dad.
Hopefully this blog entry will help some new artist in the Ottawa are who is too shy to get up on stage get over their fears and join the wonderful community of artists in the city. If this article did help help you feel free to message us on Facebook or donate to us on Patreon!

Have a great week!
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