Advice on what to wear when performing
By: Karri Duperron
          Everyone has their own style and ultimately it is up to you on what you want to wear. When you’re on stage it’s your time to shine and show people what you’re made of. Whether you’re in a band or going solo, the first thing people see before you start is your appearance. Ever heard the phrase “don’t judge a book by it’s cover.”  Well, that phrase always comes around when people are watching the performance. But does that really matter to you when you’re performing? You want to think about that when choosing what to wear. Your choice in clothing will depend somewhat on what style of Music you’re going to perform.
What are your options?
Options #1:
(What you wear day to day)
This is a good option if your style is already keeping with your music and personality. When you chose this option it lets the audience know something about you.  
Option #2
(Costume or dress up)
Some people wear costumes or dress up. Like lady gaga, we all know her stage clothing is completely different from her everyday wear. She would normally wear jeans and a t shit but, when she is performing she wear outfit as I like to call them “go big or go home”. If you’re going to wear a costume or dress up make sure you’re prepared to look different form other people. When you’re in a jazz band the standard is to wear a suite but that doesn’t mean you can’t wear it in a rock band.
Option #3
(Adding accessories)
When you wear just your plan old every day clothing it can get a bit boring, adding some accessories will help enhance your look and can make you stand out more to your audience.
Dos and don’ts                                              
  • Wear what suites you
  • Take complements on what you wear
  • Wear dress that are medium to long in lengthen
  • Dress for the audience you want to have
  • Be you
  • Wear what comfortable 
  • Dress for the occasion
  • Wear shorts  
  • Wear clothing that speak loader then you
  • Over dress
  • Wear nude coloured clothing people in the back could think your naked
  • Wear short dress you can give off the wrong vibe 

 But don't forget that this is just my opinion and you can make your own decisions. Thanks for reading!


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