

On April 7th 2017 at 7:00 the debut show of Endless Oceans will be on at Avant Garde. Join Endless Oceans, Noi Ya, Nessie and FoOlish at Avant Garde!



Noi Ya is an Ottawa based artist who is making waves in the Ottawa indie and punk scenes. He puts on an energetic and entertaining show. Ottawa Sound talked to him about the release of his EP. 

My first question is where did you get the idea to use Noi Ya as your Pseudonym? 

It is a secret 😝 I made a promise to someone that I wouldn’t tell anyone, and I intend to keep it. 

What is the title of your latest EP? 

The Self Immolation EP 

How many songs will be on it? 

Six for sure, aiming for around six maybe some bonus tracks 

Where did the name for the EP come from? 

The Name came from a point from an assignment in class where the Monks were lighting themselves on fire to protest the Vietnam war and I thought it was beautiful. 

Are you releasing it all digitally or will there be physical copies?

Was thinking of doing this thing where I use micro-sd’s and using less plastic since I’m kind of an enviro hippy. If it was a full record I might use vinyl. 

Are you playing any shows soon? 

Lots of shows. Bunch in April. None this month. Harder to get people to come out in the colder months so I’ll be playing less until the snow is gone. I’m for sure playing on April 7th at Avant Garde. 

What/who are some of your influences?

Listening to smaller artists to hear new things and one that I’m always listening to is Beck. I like artists who do new wave and synth pop, Joy Division, Prozzak. Small time guys include Justice’s new album because of the funkiness and Death from above 1979. One I have listened to quite often lately is Neon Indian’s night school. 

What got you into making music? 

Before this I was in a death metal band, starting on my own I was listening to Coldplay and Weezer, Ramones. I got into music during junior high when things got confusing and I wanted something to help find my way. I was lucky to have a family where music was important but not forced upon me. 

Any advice for new Ottawa artists?

Realize that not all promoters are considering your best interests, you need to work with people who consider you a friend. Don’t take shortcuts when writing or making your music. 

How is social media impacting the scene in Ottawa? 

In Ottawa? Social Media in Ottawa’s scene is beneficial because you can reach out to people you don’t normally get the chance to. I’m a reclusive guy and I put up a front, and it allows me to talk to people while I work at home. There is a lot of elitism in social media and if your rep is good then it should speak for itself. If it wasn’t for social media I wouldn’t be able to play some of the shows I’m playing soon. 


In the age of Bandcamp and YouTube is a record deal worth it? 

One thing all musical artists used to strive for is a record deal. A record deal is a dream a lot of musicians never attain. But is a record deal something that we as musicians should still work towards? My honest opinion is that it is up to the individual artist/band. You don’t need a label to record and sell your music for you anymore. With websites like Bandcamp and Soundcloud you can release your music for however much you want and whenever you want. With YouTube you can make and release your own personalized music videos for free or relatively low cost. 

Being signed to a label does have its benefits though. Artists that are signed to a label tend to be taken more seriously by the media and the rest of the world. When an artist is signed to a label the label will pay for things. What many artists don’t know is that the money a label spends on them is recoupable. Recoupable means that you must pay it back. The way labels get their money back is by taking it off the sales of your music and merch but once you recoup the money the label will then give you more money. It is a vicious cycle. 

Being signed to a label is in my opinion still a viable option in the digital age, but each artist should carefully read their contracts and get advice from a lawyer or agent before signing anything. 




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